The Singapore Ministry of Social and Family Development and the Singapore University of Social Sciences are co-organising the Asian Family Conference 2024 (AFC 2024), held in Singapore on 6 – 7 November 2024. The theme of AFC 2024 is ‘Strong and Resilient Asian Families: Challenges and Opportunities’.
AFC 2024 aims to further the policy-research-practice nexus on Asian Families by providing a platform for policymakers, researchers and practitioners to come together to dialogue and exchange knowledge on strengthening Asian families.

Crown School & Department of Psychiatry, University of Chicago
Co-Founder and Co-Director, Chicago Center for Family Health

Hong Kong Family Welfare Society
Hong Kong Family Welfare Society (HKFWS) strives to strengthen and support family wellbeing, improve living qualities of families and foster a caring community. For decades, family wellbeing has been promoting through rendering direct services and advocating values conducive to healthy development of families. In particular, the rationale behind establishing the index, various factors influencing Hong Kong family wellbeing index (HKFWI), the intricacies of HKFWI and its determinants will be described.
In Hong Kong, family wellbeing index has been measured since 2019 and 3 surveys have been undertaken until 2024. HKFWI developed by HKFWS and the Chinese University of Hong Kong was the first survey in Hong Kong to track the trends in family wellbeing and also facilitate longitudinal comparisons. HKFWI also presents the evolving landscape of Hong Kong families’ wellbeing, taking a glance at the wellbeing of families with diverse demographic, family structural, and socioeconomic profiles, and reflect on the macrosystem's support to families in a wider context. In 2024, caregiver issue was highlighted in the HKFWI survey. In sum, HKFWI is an evidence-based practice which facilities social change and dialogues with public to raise the public awareness on family matters. It also deepens our insights on family-centric approaches to social issues, for better policymaking, and provide insight on service design and policy formulation to strengthen families.